The Arab Universities Union approves the launch of the Arab Council for Academic Exchange under the presidency of Dr. Imad Al-Zeer
The General Secretariat of the Arab Universities Union, during its 56th annual conference held in Baghdad, approved the launch of the Arab Council for Academic Exchange, headquartered in Palestine, under the presidency of Dr. Imad Al-Zeer, President of Palestine Ahliya University.
Dr. Imad Al-Zeer stated that the Academic Exchange Program is an initiative launched by Palestine Ahliya University, representing a unique opportunity for academic enrichment, enabling, facilitating, and coordinating regional movement and exchange of academics, researchers, and students in Arab universities. This program contributes to the development of teaching and research capabilities and enhances cooperation prospects among them by teaching for a period of up to four months and for an entire academic year in one of the hosting Arab universities and participating in this program.
Dr. Al-Zeer added that the program presents an opportunity for Arab universities to benefit from the availability of a number of M.A. and Ph.D. holders in distinguished specialties and to meet the needs of faculties and academic programs in these distinctive fields. He emphasized that the importance of exchange lies in the sharing of experiences, knowledge exchange, and the development of research capabilities for the academic staff in the Arab universities participating in the program.
Dr. Al-Zeer stated that the program will establish an electronic platform for communication and coordination among members of the Arab Universities Union. Additionally, the council will conduct research to identify the needs of Arab universities for required specialties based on temporary vacancies for faculty members in certain disciplines and announce them through this platform. He emphasized that the council will seek funding for joint research projects between researchers and academics in Arab universities that align with their research plans.
He also mentioned that the council will work on providing a database through the electronic platform about all faculty members in Arab universities, including their specific specializations, to facilitate networking between professors and universities interested in hosting them. He pointed out that the council will hold its first meeting in the near future, with the presence of its board of directors.